First Time Offenders
People who have no criminal record can be extremely frightened and confused when they find themselves in handcuffs and accused of criminal offenses. These alleged offenders who are entering the criminal justice system for the first time are understandably concerned about what might lie ahead for them.
If you have been arrested for the first time and are facing criminal charges, do not mistakenly assume that prosecutors will “go easy on you” by default. Even without a history of prior offenses, you could still be sentenced to serve time in jail or pay substantial fines.
Cincinnati First Time Offenders Lawyer
The best way to have your lack of a criminal record work to your advantage is to immediately contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. Joslyn Law Firm helps clients all over Cincinnati and surrounding areas who have been arrested for the first time.
Brian Joslyn understands the tremendous stress that criminal charges place on regular people, and he will work to put you at ease by addressing all of your concerns and aggressively pursuing the most favorable outcome to your case. You can have him can review your case by calling today to set up a free, confidential consultation.
Cincinnati, Ohio First Time Offenders Information Center
- Which types of crimes are these people accused of?
- What kinds of consequences could a person face for hsi or her first conviction?
- Are there any alternatives to a prison sentence?
Charges First Time Offenders Face in Ohio
A person could be facing any type of criminal offense for the first time. Clearly, some charges are more serious than other, but possible offenses can include:
- Domestic Violence — Endangering children, menacing by stalking, sexual battery, or violation of protection order
- Financial Crimes — Engaging in corrupt activity, extortion, forgery, identity fraud, insurance fraud, and Medicaid fraud
- Marijuana Offenses — Cultivation, manufacturing, possession, or use of marihuana
- Drunk Driving Charges — Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving While Impaired (DWI), Operating a Motor Vehicle Impaired (OMVI), Operating a Vehicle After Underage Consumption (OVUAC), Operating a Vehicle Impaired (OVI), or chemical test refusal
- Drug Charges —Illegal manufacture of drugs, possession of controlled substances, possessing drug abuse instruments, or trafficking
- Theft / Property Crimes — Arson, breaking and entering, burglary, criminal mischief, criminal trespassing, receiving stolen property, robbery, unauthorized use of a vehicle, or vandalism
- Sex Offenses — Commercial sexual exploitation of a minor, disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, importuning, pandering obscenity involving a minor, prostitution, public indecency, rape, sexual battery, sexual imposition, soliciting, unlawful sexual conduct with minor, and voyeurism
- Violent Crimes — Abduction, assault, kidnapping, murder, negligent or reckless homicide, robbery, unlawful restraint, or voluntary and involuntary manslaughter
- Firearm / Weapon Charges — Carrying concealed weapons, discharge of firearm on or near prohibited premises, failure to secure dangerous ordnance, falsification of concealed handgun license – possessing a revoked or suspended concealed handgun license, having weapons while under disability, improperly discharging firearm, improperly furnishing firearms to minor, improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle, possessing a defaced firearm, possessing criminal tools, possession of deadly weapon while under detention, possession of firearm in beer liquor permit premises, underage purchase of firearm or handgun, unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance – illegally manufacturing or processing explosives, unlawful transaction in weapons, or using weapons while intoxicated
Cincinnati First Time Offenders Penalties
A person facing criminal charges for the first time has a better chance of receiving a lesser sentence, but the potential worst-case scenarios should not be ignored. Depending on the classification of your specific crime, a conviction may result as follows:
- Minor Misdemeanor — Maximum fine of $150
- Fourth-Degree Misdemeanor — Maximum sentence of 30 days in jail and maximum fine of $250
- Third-Degree Misdemeanor — Maximum sentence of 60 days in jail and maximum fine of $500
- Second-Degree Misdemeanor — Maximum sentence of 90 days in jail and maximum fine of $750
- First-Degree Misdemeanor — Maximum sentence of 180 days in jail and maximum fine of $1,000
- Fifth-Degree Felony — Maximum sentence of 12 months in prison and maximum fine of $2,500
- Fourth-Degree Felony — Maximum sentence of 18 months in prison and maximum fine of $5,000
- Third-Degree Felony — Maximum sentence of five years in prison and maximum fine of $10,000
- Second-Degree Felony — Maximum sentence of eight years in prison and maximum fine of $15,000 fines
- First-Degree Felony — Maximum sentence of 11 years in prison and maximum fine of $20,000
How Ohio First Time Offenders Avoid Jail Time
If you work with qualified legal representation, you may be able to strike a plea deal or negotiate a lesser sentence that provides an alternative to imprisonment. Some of the ways that alleged offenders commonly avoid spending time in jail include:
- Community Service
- Electronic Monitoring
- Fines
- Home Confinement
- Probation
- Restitution
- Treatment Programs
Find the Best First Time Offenders Lawyer in Cincinnati
If you were recently charged with your first criminal offense, you will want to begin working with a skilled criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Joslyn Law Firm works tirelessly to get the charges against clients we represent significantly reduced or completely dismissed.
Brian Joslyn helps clients accused of various crimes throughout the greater Cincinnati area and Ohio including Georgetown in Brown County, Cincinnati in Hamilton County, Lebanon in Warren County, Oxford in Butler County, Batavia in Clermont County, Wilmington in Clinton County, and Preble County Indiana.
Call (513) 399-6289 to have our firm review your case during a free legal consultation.